I should detest my own heart if i saw either pride or resentment lurking in me . 假使我看见我现在还怀怨恨,还藏有傲骨,我就要憎恶我自己。
A proud but honest thought carried his opposition now and then a little farther than it would otherwise have gone . 有时,几分傲骨和正义感也使他更不愿盲从。
People can ' t have haughtiness , but can ' t have no lofty and unyielding character 26人不可有傲气,但不可无傲骨。
The minister is outraged putting the blame on his son and banishes the daughter from the family . the girl gives all her savings to her lover hoping that he would pass the imperial examination 一日,若梅在巷口看到一似曾相识的乞丐… …白雪仙演江若梅,初是深明大义,后见傲骨坚毅,至情至性。