[ yǎnqíxígǔ ] lower one's banners and muffle one's drums; cease fire; cease all activities; cover the flag and stop beating the drum -- on a secret expedition; furl all the banners and silence all the drums; roll up the flags and silence the drums.; stop all activities and lie low; stop an affair; the drums ceased to beat and the banners were lowered to the ground.; the ensigns and weapons were discarded and no drums beat
Example Sentences:
The major's persevering benevolence was not to be balked in this way . 少校的仁慈是坚决的,它不会因此就偃旗息鼓。
However , most of celebrity blog closed directly or indirectly in another half of year 然而来得快去得也快,不到半年又都纷纷偃旗息鼓,大多以直接或间接的方式关闭了博客。
The birth of a boy , who will be third in line after his uncle and his father , is likely to dampen debate on letting women 而他的出生也终于可以让有关“女性继承王位”的争论偃旗息鼓。
The couple married in a small civil ceremony in windsor , ending years of gossip about a relationship of more than 30 years 两人在温莎举行了一个“平民婚礼” ,结为连理。至此,关于他们长达30多年恋情的流言蜚语也终于偃旗息鼓。
They did their utmost to run the company , but at last , they had to cease all activities because of lack of funds and technical manpower 公司建立后,他们苦心经营、举步维艰,终因迈不出资金短缺,技术人才匮乏这两道坎而偃旗息鼓。
Unopposed , but wary of the ominous cloud , the german infantry advanced a few hundred meters toward allied lines and then dug in for the night 尽管所向披靡,一路通行,德国兵自己对这毒气也小心翼翼,他们朝盟军前进了几百米,便偃旗息鼓,掘壕休息了。
As for the battle that ends tonight , i do believe as my father once said , that no matter how hard the loss , defeat might serve as well as victory to shape the soul and let the glory out 至于今晚偃旗息鼓的一役,我坚信父亲说过的一句话:不论败得多惨,失利跟胜利一样,涤荡心灵,光耀千秋。
The birth of a boy , who will be third in line after his uncle and his father , is likely to dampen debate on letting women inherit the throne 这名男婴的皇位继承顺位仅次于他的叔叔(皇太子)和父亲(文仁秋筱宫亲王) ,成为第三皇位继承人。而他的出生也终于可以让有关“女性继承王位”的争论偃旗息鼓。
French president nicolas sarkozy and his wife cecilia have divorced , the president ' s office said on thursday , ending rampant speculation about the state of their 11 - year old marriage 法国总统办公室于本周四宣布,总统尼古拉斯?萨科奇已与妻子塞西莉亚正式离婚,结束了他们维持11年的婚姻。至此,关于他们婚姻状况的种种猜测终于可以偃旗息鼓了。
Since metaphase and anaphase in the 1990 ' s , enterprise groups " m & a are frequent in the domestic and international economic lives . lots of them are astounding incipiently , but not sound operation after 3 or 5 years , just short - term refulgence 自上世纪90年代中、后期以来,企业集团并购案在国内外经济生活中频乃发生,很多是起初轰轰烈烈, 3 、 5年后偃旗息鼓,昙花一现,譬如宜昌猴王集团、济南中国轻骑集团、郑百文集团等。