| 1. | Slant correction of vehicle licenses under labview 环境下汽车牌照倾斜校正 |
| 2. | This phase research image binarization and correction 该阶段研究图像的二值化和倾斜校正。 |
| 3. | Hough transform and its application in chinese business card skew detection 变换在中文名片图像倾斜校正中的应用 |
| 4. | While in image inclination rectification , a modified hough transform is used in vlp inclination detection and rectification 并且应用简化改进的hough变换,通过检测边界线段检测牌照倾斜角度,对车牌进行倾斜校正。 |
| 5. | In our system , firstly , we pre - process envelope image , introduce basic method of two - value and noise ' s filtering accordingly , and present a way of deskew based on hht algorithm 在系统中,首先对信封图象进行了预处理并给出了相应的二值化、噪声滤除方法,提出一种基于hht的倾斜校正的方法。 |
| 6. | With the proposed plate pre - processing method , 98 % of 1000 sample vehicle license - plates images are correctly segmented ; and recognition rate of the system can be improved notably 在大量试验的基础上,提出了一种基于区域滤波的预处理算法和一种改进的车牌倾斜校正算法,并用于工程实际中,取得了良好的效果。 |
| 7. | The thesis introduced 6 steps of ocr pre - work , which is getting rid of noise , image binary , image incline rectify , image incise , image standardize and image thinning , the classification algorithm include rude classification and particular classification 汉字图像的预处理包括对识别文稿进行平滑去噪、图像二值化、倾斜校正、行字切割、归一化以及细化。 |
| 8. | We provide a chinese layout analysis method base on fuzzy connectedness and recognition features for complex document layout . this is a process including the input document images . , skew correction and texts / graphics segmentation 本文针对复杂的中文版面,提出了一个基于模糊连接度和识别特征的中文版面分析方法,完成了一个图像输入、倾斜校正、版面图文分割的过程。 |
| 9. | First , this method decide the skew angle of a business card image according to four border fitting lines of the business card , then a method based on block move is provided to correct image and black border is erased based on position of border near - line 该方法先检测出名片的四条边缘拟合直线,由四条边缘拟合直线的倾斜角度来确定名片图像倾斜角度,然后采用逐段整块搬移的方法来对图像进行倾斜校正,再根据边缘拟合直线位置去除黑边。 |
| 10. | The binary method , which combines the global method and local method , is discussed . furthermore , the skew detect based on run length - smoothing is explained in the paper . at the same time , the layout analysis based on components search is introduced 文中讨论在档案数字化过程中所涉及到的文档图像处理技术,重点介绍了全局二值化与局部二值化相结合的二值化方法,基于游长平滑处理的文档图像倾斜校正算法,以及基于组件搜索的文档图像版面分析。 |