[ qīngchéngqīngguó ] so beautiful as to overrun cities and ruin states; exceedingly beautiful; (of a woman) lovely enough to cause the fall of a city or a state
His features were like his sisters , but in her , everything was radiant with joyous life , with the complacent , never - failing smile of youth and life and an extraordinary antique beauty of figure . the brothers face on the contrary was clouded over by imbecility and invariably wore a look of aggressive fretfulness , while he was thin and feebly built 他的面部和他妹妹的一模一样,但他妹妹那乐观愉快的洋洋自得充满青春活力朝夕不变的微笑和身段超人的古典美,使她容光焕发,倾城倾国反之,哥哥的长相却显得愚昧昏庸,总是表现出十分自信和不满的神态,他身子既瘦且弱,疲软无力。