| 1. | It is the word pioneer that arrests us . 值得注意的是先驱者一词。 |
| 2. | The occurrence of hemoglobin in root nodules is notable . 值得注意的是根瘤中出现血红蛋白。 |
| 3. | It is noteworthy that they found pleasure in many mathematical problems . 值得注意的是他们对许多数学问题兴趣很浓。 |
| 4. | Notable among these are wastes from dyeing operations in the textile industing . 在这些废水之中值得注意的是来自纺织工业的印染作业。 |
| 5. | It's important to note that the roosevelts didn't stage a big wedding for the hopkins . 值得注意的是,罗斯福夫妇没有为霍普金斯举行盛大婚礼。 |
| 6. | It is the great presidents, rather than any of the lesser figures, who call for principal attention, however . 不过,主要值得注意的是伟大的总统,而不是任何次一等的人物。 |
| 7. | Perhaps the most significant aspect of the conflict was management's use of new propaganda techniques learned during the war . 也许这次冲突中最值得注意的是资方使用战争期间学来的新式宣传伎俩。 |
| 8. | It is rather remarkable that now, as we shall see shortly, modern science has turned back to prout's opinions . 颇值得注意的是,我们很快就会看到,时至今日,现代科学已经回过头来转向普罗特的观点。 |
| 9. | It is a remarkable fact that the inertial mass of all bodies is, within experimental accuracy, proportional to the gravitational mass . 值得注意的是,在实验的准确度内,所有的物体的惯性质量与引力质量都成正比。 |
| 10. | It is interesting to note that the concrete building exhibits distinctly nonlinear behavior even at the relatively low force levels of the test . 值得注意的是,甚至在试验力比较小的情况下,钢筋混凝土建筑物也呈现出明显的非线性性质。 |