Ellen told her daughter. "gentlemen do not like forward girls" . 爱兰教她女儿说,“女孩子太倜傥了,男人家不喜欢的。”
I determined to put my real merit to the severest test, by presenting myself without any recommendation before the wild, illustrious philosopher . 我决定不出示推荐信向这位大名鼎鼎的、倜傥不羁的哲学家毛遂自荐,让自己的身价经受一次最严峻的考验。
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Ellen told her daughter . " gentlemen do not like forward girls " 爱兰教她女儿说, “女孩子太倜傥了,男人家不喜欢的。 ”
I also fear that the real him is , except for the enchanted voice , not so perfect , mature , not so romantic and unconventional dissolute as i suppose 我也怕现实中的(它)他,除了令我迷醉的声音外,没有我想的那么完美,那么成熟,那么浪漫,那么潇洒,那么倜傥风流。
I compared him with his guests . what was the gallant grace of the lynns , the languid elegance of lord ingram , - even the military distinction of colonel dent , contrasted with his look of native pith and genuine power 他的外表焕发着天生的精力和真正的力量,相比之下,林恩兄弟的风流倒倜傥,英格拉姆勋爵的散淡文雅甚至登特上校的英武出众,又算得了什么呢,我对他们的外貌与表情不以为然。
As far as the feelings contained are concerned , her ci not only differed from that of other females , but also that of male writers in that her ci contains femininity and gentleness as well as grandness and unconventionality 就词情而言,这表现在她有“丈夫气” ,不同于一般女子,同时她又是女子,不同于普通士大夫男性作家,因而她的创作既有女性细腻温婉的一面,同时也有倜傥、慷慨的一面。