There might be a few steps in the chain of tenure . 在土地保有权的环节中可能存在几个步骤。
The land reverted to the lord if the tenant died without heirs . 如果土地保有人死后无继承人,土地归还领主。
Glenure removed a number of tenants on the ardshielestate . 格莱努尔把阿德希尔庄园里的许多土地保有人迁出该地。
In feudal land law, the commission of a felony by a tenant caused his land to pass to his lord . 在采邑的土地法律中,佃户的严重犯罪行为可导致其保有的土地转利到地主名下。
I accidentally found a revolver and some bullets in my attic last year and have kept them for self-defense . 我去年在我的阁楼中意外地发现一把左轮手枪和一些子弹,并一直保有它们以为自卫用。
Europe still had its old class system. it was the home of the landed aristocracy, of palaces and royal families . 欧洲仍然保有其古老的阶级制度。欧洲是有产贵族阶层的故土,宫殿和皇族的所在地。
As long as these fields were in our possession we could, with our growing air forces, constantly pound away, at least in decent weather, at axis communications . 只要我们能够保有这些机场,至少在良好的天候时,可以轰炸轴心的交通线。
Once you had adam ' s cell , you could preserve 一旦你有了亚当的细胞,你可以保有. .