I called the pentagon and they told me he ' s on medical leave 我给五角大楼打了电话他们说他在保外就医
He is now released on medical parole 他现在是保外就医。
The fifth part investigates some special types of phenomenon during applying commutation , including the commutation for juvenile delinquent , ticket - of - leave man , culprit in the detention house , and culprit in a conditional release 第五部分,减刑适用中的几类特别问题。该部分具体探讨了未成年犯、假释犯、看守所服刑犯、保外就医犯等特殊情况的减刑问题,其中对未成年犯主要探讨其矫正方面的特殊性。
For example , when the criminal is released on bail for medical treatment , he would offer the false pathology slices of organize , or others ' malignant tumour pathology information ; and the policyholder offers the fake pathological material while setting a claim , or in the pathology room , we often meet the mark mistake of the sample that is needed to confirm the tissues source of the material . to determine these special material in practice is more and more important 例如:罪犯保外就医提供的是否本人的病理组织和切片,或者是保险理赔时提供的他人的恶性肿瘤病理切片,或是病理室工作中偶尔遇到标本的标记错误,发现与临床资料不匹配时等案件都需要对这种特殊检材的组织来源进行鉴定,石蜡包埋组织或者切片的dna分型鉴定在实践中已经愈发重要。