Chinese translation for "侧线 "
[ cèxiàn ] 1.(铁道侧线) siding; side track 2.[动物学] lateral line ◇侧线采出 side-draw; 侧线器 [动物学] lateral-line organ Related Translations:侧线感官 : lateral sense-organ
道岔侧线 : branch line of turnout
侧线管 : canalis lateralislateral line canal
侧线回流 : pumpbackside reflux
Example Sentences: 1. A train of antiquated coaches was waiting for us at the siding . 一列陈旧的火车在侧线 上等着我们。 2. The commission, in addition, gained jurisdiction over express and sleeping car companies, switches and spurs, and pipe lines . 委员会另外还获得管理快车和卧车公司、铁路侧线 和支线以及油管线的权限。 3. These sensors are known as the lateral - line system 这些感受器被称为“侧线 ” 。 4. Study of side line test of h2s selective oxidation catalyst 选择性氧化催化剂的侧线 试验研究 5. Railway applications - track - switches and crossings - definitions 铁路设施.轨道.铁路侧线 和道岔口.定义 6. Railway applications - track - switches and crossings - switches 铁路设施.轨道.铁道侧线 和道岔口.铁道侧线 7. What are sidestripper steam rate philosophies , if applicable侧线 汽提塔蒸汽流量控制原理是什么(如采用) ? 8. Then the temperature difference controller should be cascaded to the sidedraw controller 然后应把温差控制器与侧线 抽出控制器投串级。 9. Railway applications - track - switches and crossings - requirements for geometric design 铁路设施.轨道.铁路侧线 和道岔口.几何设计要求 10. Railway applications - track - switches and crossings - actuation , locking and detection 铁路设施.轨道.铁道侧线 和道岔口.驱动锁紧和检测
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