Then i worked in the woods as a lumberjack , but i just couldn ' t hack it , so they gave me the axe 接着我伐木进山,可是我一天到晚侃大山,老板就把我砍了。
Hence southdale ' s density and its atrium , where shoppers were expected to sit and debate over cups of coffee , just as they do in the piazza san marco or the place dauphine 从此,南谷购物中心车水马龙,其核心店也聚集了很多顾客,她们品着咖啡,悠闲地坐在这里侃大山,此情此景不得不让人联想到圣马可广场(威尼斯的市中心广场)和亲王广场(巴黎) 。