物尽其用: turn material resources to good account; let all things serve their proper purpose.; make the best use of everything; make the most of things; materials are put to good use
人尽其才物尽其用: make the best possible use of men and material
人尽其才地尽其利物尽其用: our human land and material resources can be turned to best account
Example Sentences:
The combination of university sports featured with rich resources and the local sports featured with great sports population contributes to efficient use of sports resources 摘要高校体育资源丰富,地方体育人口众多,实现高校体育与地方体育相结合,能实现地区性体育一体化和体育资源优势互补,使物尽其用、人尽其能、相互促进、共同发展。
It is essential to develop of reasonable scientific model of laboratory managment system which can make experiment teaching and laboratory construction adapt to education development of the new period 本文阐述了在学生规模扩大、教学实验经费又不足的情况下如何发挥实验室人员的主观能动性,通过修旧利废使物尽其用,从而保证了教学实验和课程设计等实践环节的质量。