| 1. | When the friction force acts alone, the total mechanical energy is not conserved . 当只有摩擦力作用时,总机械能就不守恒。 |
| 2. | When viscous forces predominate the flow is proportional to the pressure drop across the element . 当粘滞力起主导作用时,流量当通过主要部分的压力降或正好。 |
| 3. | The gravitational interaction is disregarded when interactions between individual protons are considered . 在考虑单个质子间相互作用时,万有引力可以忽略不计。 |
| 4. | When ethanol is exposed to air and the action of vinegar bacteria, it is converted into acetic acid and water . 当乙醇暴露于空气中受醋酸细菌的作用时便变成醋酸和水。 |
| 5. | In considering the destructive effect of a blast wave, one of its important characteristics is the overpressure . 在研究爆震波的破坏作用时,其中一个重要的特性便是超压力。 |
| 6. | We have already dealt with the implications of these shocks when we discussed the effect of monetary and fiscal policies under flexible exchange rates . 我们在论述变动汇率下的货币政策和财政政策的作用时,已述及这些冲击的实质。 |
| 7. | In determining the effect of the matter outside the sphere, we may clearly neglect the molecular structure and treat the substance as continuous . 在决定球外物质的作用时,我们完全可以忽略物质的分子结构,而把这种球外物质作为连续体来处理。 |
| 8. | The penalty for an alternative generalized approach, like the one presented, is the seeming lack of definition or specificity in assigning precise roles to the growth-regulating substances in question . 另一条一般的研究途径的困难,和上述一样,是在断定陈述的生长调节物质的确切作用时,似乎没有界限或专一性。 |
| 9. | An atom on an excited upper level can execute a downward transition not just spontaneously but also when photons of the radiation field surrounding the atomic interact with it . 处在较高的激发态上的原子不只可以自发地而且可以在它与原子系统周围辐射场的光子相互作用时发生向下的跃迁。 |
| 10. | Energy of the interaction of atom and the radioactive field 原子与辐射场相互作用时的能量 |