I m not talkin about a one night stand , i wanna be your man 曾几何时,你令我为生命赞叹;也曾无助低徊。
Almost no light filtered through the great dull clouds which hovered like heavy dumplings in the sky and seemed to presage many hours of snow 空中暗云低徊,阴沉沉的一片,一缕阳光也透不过来,看样子这雪还得下好几个钟头哪。
Military expedition poems in " shi jing " , a direct source of chinese frontier - fortress poems , various in form and rich in content , are a vivid expression of the military conflicts between the interior huaxia tribes and four other tribes around , as well as the living state and emotional experience among the people of all ranks in the pre - qin period when the flames of war ranges everywhere 摘要《诗经》中的征戍诗形式多样,内容丰富,具体形象地反映了先秦时期华夏族内部及其与“四夷”之间的军事冲突及社会各阶层民众在烽火遍野背景下的生存状态和情感体验,展现出一幅幅情态各异、丰富多彩的先秦历史社会画卷,具有鲜明的风格特徵:雄壮激昂的英雄战歌场面宏大,气势雄壮,感情激昂,有一种阳刚之美;悲慨苍凉的徵夫心曲格调低徊哀伤,沉郁悲壮。