| 1. | Galileo galilei , 1564 - 1642 , italian physicist and astronomer 伽利略伽利莱,意大利物理学家和天文学家。 |
| 2. | Tsheri is the youngest person to reach the top of the world ' s highest mountain 伽利是登上世界最高峰年纪最小的登山客。 |
| 3. | The yoga sutras of patanjali is one of the milestone in the history of yoga 帕坦伽利的《瑜伽经》是瑜伽文化发展使上的里程碑之一。 |
| 4. | Another topic that gary and elliot touched on was the importance of vegetarianism 伽利先生与另一位出席人士艾莉特还提及素食的重要。 |
| 5. | Temba tsheri , a 17 - year - old nepalese high - school student , has reached the 8 , 848 - meter summit of mount everest 十七岁的尼泊尔高中生坦巴?伽利登上圣母峰8848公尺高的峰顶。 |
| 6. | The forum was highlighted by heated debate , mainly between a ufo researcher , gary , and a lover of astronomy 会上气氛热烈,争论不休,争论基本发生在一位参与幽浮研究的伽利先生与另一位天文爱好者之间。 |
| 7. | The reference to temples in literature go back early with panini ( 520 bc - 460 bc ) and patanjali mentioning temples which were called prasadas 提及到庙宇的文献可以回溯到早期的帕尼尼(公元前520 ? ?公元前460年) ,还有,帕坦伽利提到庙宇的时候,把它称为帕萨达斯。 |
| 8. | Gary asserted that ufos were machines more technologically advanced than those produced by earthlings ; he also believed in the existence of a higher kind of spiritual being who visited the earth from time to time 伽利先生认为幽浮是一种技术比我们地球人类先进的器械,他相信有一种高等的灵性种类,不时在地球留下他们的痕迹。 |
| 9. | During the lunch recess , fellow initiates struck up a conversation with gary and other witnesses of ufo sightings and learned that gary was a mechanical engineer who had had mysterious spiritual experiences ever since he was young 午休期间我们跟伽利先生和其他几位幽浮目击者交谈,伽利先生是位机械工程师,从小一直有神秘的精神体验。 |
| 10. | Patanjali gives eight stages of yoga viz . , yama ( universal moral commandments ) , niyama ( self - purification through discipline ) , asana ( posture ) , pranayama ( breath - control ) , pratyahara ( withdrawal of mind from external objects ) , dharana ( concentration ) , dhyana ( meditation ) and samadhi ( state of super - consciousness ) 帕坦伽利把瑜伽分成八步:控制欲念(普遍道德上的戒律) 、自我约束(通过纪律来自我净化) 、体式(身体姿势) 、调息(控制呼吸) 、感官抑制(把思想从外在物体中撤离) 、执持(思想集中) 、禅那(静坐冥想)和三摩地(超意识的状态) 。 |