Thomas mugridge, on the other hand, considered it a laughable affair, and was continually bobbing his head out the galley door to make jocose remarks . 相反地,汤玛斯茂格兰治倒以为这是可笑的事,时时从厨房的门里伸头出来,说几句打趣的话。
The count put his head out of the window and whistled , and the horses appeared to fly 伯爵伸头到窗外打了一个唿哨,那几匹马看来象是插上了翅膀。
He ' s absolutely delighted to have scored that goal ! see his coach give him the thumbs up 踢进了那个球着实让他高兴,你看他的教练伸头大拇指在鼓励他呢!
Thomas mugridge , on the other hand , considered it a laughable affair , and was continually bobbing his head out the galley door to make jocose remarks 相反地,汤玛斯?茂格兰治倒以为这是可笑的事,时时从厨房的门里伸头出来,说几句打趣的话。
But there was a silence , for a tall damsel had just craned her head in at the door and , seeing that she had made a mistake , had departed to the other end of the passage 这时有一个身材高大的姑娘伸头向屋里张望,她们立刻住口了,接着,她发觉自己找错了房间,就向走廊的另一头跑去。