伴: Ⅰ名词(伙伴; 伴侣) companion; partner 短语和例子旅伴 travelling companions; 舞伴 dancing partner; 结伴而行 go with sb.; travel in a group; 我很高兴有她作伴。 i'm glad to have her company.Ⅱ动词(随同; 配合) accompany 短语和例子陪伴
近: Ⅰ形容词1.(空间或时间距离短) near; close 短语和例子近百年史 the history of the last hundred years; 近几年来 in recent years; 歌声由远而近。 the singing came closer and closer. 靠近些。 come closer. 离国庆节很近了。 national day is d