Some people believe that the " luo mao wan feng hui of nan xiang zi " is a " counterfeit work " 两首《南乡子》词不同版本其序文差别较大,以致有人认为《南乡子》 “落帽晚风回”是伪作。
The motive and historical facts of medical practice and some literatures were researched and analyzed to prove thoroughly that there are medical literatures written by fu shan . and the opinion of fu shan ' s pseudograph literatures was refuted 通过文献考证的方法,分别从傅山从医动机、行医史实及到目前为止所发现的相关资料,充分证明傅山确有医著存世,驳斥了一部分人认为傅氏医著是“伪作”的观点。