| 1. | Study of fluid flow and heat transfer in corrugated tubes 波纹管内的流动与传热强化研究 |
| 2. | Boiler heat exchange , condction intensification 锅炉热交换传热强化 |
| 3. | Boiler heat exchange , condction intensification 锅炉热交换传热强化 |
| 4. | Experimental study of rotary compressor under heat pump work condition 弦月形狭缝通道内液氮受迫流动沸腾传热强化的研究 |
| 5. | Composite materials technology for manufacturing reducing retort of magnesium smelting 金属镁还原罐径向传热强化器的研究 |
| 6. | Experimental study on condensation heat transfer of nonazeotropic refrigerant mixtures outside a bundle of petal shaped fin tube 混合制冷工质在管束外的冷凝传热强化研究 |
| 7. | Almost all the augmentation techniques are used to vary the local behavior of heat transfer so as to improve the whole performance 传热强化的途径是依靠各种强化技术来改变热量在空间内的输运过程,通常是通过设计热过程的局部行为而实现整体性能的强化。 |
| 8. | The goal of heat transfer augmentation established on the description and judge of the whole heat transfer performances can be stated as the desire to encourage or accommodate high heat fluxes 建立在整体性能的描述和评判基础上的传热强化的目标是适应和促进高热流。 |
| 9. | Considering the constraint conditions , heat transfer augmentation appears the feature of optimizations from whole to local , namely , in order to realize the best whole heat transfer performances , how to design the local behavior of the heat transfer process 当考虑局部设计的约束条件时,传热强化则表现出从整体到局部的过程优化的特征。也就是说,为使传热整体性能达到最优如何去设计过程的局部行为。 |