| 1. | Preparations for the meeting are in progress . 会议的准备工作正在进行。 |
| 2. | There were too few people at the meeting . 参加会议的人寥寥无几。 |
| 3. | How long will the program have to last ? 会议的议程将持续多久? |
| 4. | There was a good turn-out at yesterday 's meeting . 出席昨日会议的人很多。 |
| 5. | Unemployment has been the keynote of the conference . 会议的主题是失业问题。 |
| 6. | Those who attended the meeting merely prated about it . 参加会议的人只是胡扯一顿 |
| 7. | The meeting spilt over from the hall into the corridor . 参加会议的人从大厅到走廊挤得水泄不通。 |
| 8. | It was the scene of an international conference in 1944 . 它是1944年召开的一次国际性会议的会址。 |
| 9. | Attendance at many conventions runs to a thousand or more people . 许多会议的出席人数多达一千或一千以上。 |
| 10. | It's a personal affront to me and every member of our congress . 这对我和对我们会议的全体人员都是一种人身侮辱。 |