出洋相: (闹笑话; 出丑) make an exhibition of oneself; make a scene; play the fool; make a (sorry) spectacle of oneself; make oneself a laughingstock for all; bear the cap and bells; cut a poor [miserab
大出洋相: make an exhibition of oneself; make a bad show; cut [make] a poor [little; ridiculous; sorry] figure 短语和例子他在大庭广众中大出洋相。 he cut a poor figure on a public occasion
大庭广众: (before) a big crowd (of people); (on) a public occasion; in public; in broad daylight; in front of everybody 短语和例子她过去习惯于在大庭广众之下发表讲话。 she used to make a speech in public