He moved a chair with his foot near to mine , ordered the woman away , and said in a subdued voice , 他用脚推了一把椅子到我的椅子面前,命令那仆妇出去,然后压低了嗓子说:
Chapter four : the position of women as seen in the documents of sale and purchase of slaves and the documents of uxorilocal marriage of hereditary bond servants 第四章则是利用卖身契以及庄仆婚姻文书探讨了婢女买卖及庄仆入赘、仆妇招赘行为。
As hereditary bond servants , these slaves and tenants were bound to particular master for generations , while their status was regarded as inferior to their masters 婢女、仆妇作为贱民阶层,她们的婚姻与家庭生活既有与普通“齐民”相同的一面,也有自己的特点。
The servants she had been in contact with during the past few days were comparatively low - ranking ones in the domestic hierarchy , yet the food they ate , the clothes they wore , and everything about them was quite out of ordinary 这黛玉常听得母亲说,他外祖母家与别人家不同,他近日听见这儿三等的仆妇,吃穿用度,已是不凡,何况今至其家,都要步步留心,时时在意,不要多说一句话,不可多行一步路,恐被人耻笑了去。
Thirty horses stood in his stables , twenty - four male domestics sat in his halls , six body - women waited on his wife . as one who pre - tended to do nothing but plunder and forage where he could , the farmer - general - howsoever his matrimonial relations conduced to social morality - was at least the greatest reality among the personages who attended at the hotel of monseigneur that day 厩内有三十匹良马,厅堂有二十四名男仆,夫人由六个仆妇服侍,总装出凡是能到手的东西都要掠夺搜刮净尽此外一律不感兴趣的样子,并不把他的婚姻关系所引起的道德责任放在眼里。
From these decayed sons and daughters of gaul , she had acquired such wonderful arts , that the woman and girl who formed the staff of domestics regarded her as quite a sorceress , or cinderella s godmother : who would send out for a fowl , a rabbit , a vegetable or two from the garden , and change them into any - thing she pleased 她从这些式微的高卢后裔处学来了那么多精采的技术,就连仆妇女佣中的佼佼者也都把她看作女巫或是灰姑娘的教母:只须从禽场菜圃订购一只鸡一只兔一两棵菜,便能随心所欲做出自己想做的美味佳肴。