| 1. | When a patient needs to use a kidney machine, surgeons stitch a small tube into a suitable place in his body--usually either in his forearm above the wrist or in his leg . 当患者需要使用人工肾时,大夫在患者身体的适当部位,一般是在腕关节的前胳臂和腿上插入一个小管子。 |
| 2. | Single patient haemodialysis machine artificial kidney 单人血液透析人工肾 |
| 3. | Hfak hollow fiber artificialkidney 中空纤维人工肾 |
| 4. | It will be a promising assumption to develop a new artificial kidney 研制开发新的人工肾,是一项有发展前途的设想。 |
| 5. | Artificial kidney dialyzer 人工肾透析器 |
| 6. | Hollow fiber kidney 空心纤维人工肾 |
| 7. | This instrument can clean out the metabolized waste of the body and reduce most of poisonous substances in blood ; hemodialysis and ultrafiltration are the usual methods to complete these functions 血液透析仪即人工肾,它的基本功能是代替人体肾脏,清除人体代谢废物,可以降低血液中大多数毒性物质含量。完成此功能的基本手段是透析和超滤。 |
| 8. | To optimize renal substitution therapy , a bioartificial renal tubule assist device ( rad ) was developed , which is composed of renal proximal tubule cells grown within a hollow fiber cartridge 生物人工肾小管辅助装置( bioartificialrenaltubuleassistdevice , rad )就是利用“组织工程学”原理,通过生物学与工程学的结合构建出的能模拟正常肾小管生理功能的一种人工器官装置。 |
| 9. | Objective to establish a composite animal model with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome ( mods ) and acute renal failure ( arf ) and investigate the effect of treatment with a bioartificial kidney , which containing rad , in animals with multiple organ failure and arf , and its possible mechanism . so we can make the objective and scientific assessment for the rad - treatment in arf combined by mods 目的:首先,建立一种多器官功能障碍综合征( mods )合并急性肾衰竭( arf )复合的动物模型,探讨mods合并arf的可能病理生理机制;同时用rad构建生物人工肾对mods合并arf动物进行治疗,观察rad对mods合并arf的治疗效果和可能机制,从而为arf合并mods时的rad治疗作出客观科学的评估。 |