[ wǔjīng ] the five classics (《诗经》 the book of songs, 《书经》 the book of history, 《易经》 the book of changes, 《礼记》 the book of rites, 《春秋》 the spring and autumn annals)
He gathered earlier writings to prepare what are called the five classics 他?集以前的作品,编成了所谓的五经。
He gathered earlier writings to prepare what are called the five classics 他搜集以前的作品,编成了所谓的五经。
By j . c . cleary . reprinted from pure land pure mind published by the sutra translation committee of the u . s . and canada -阿弥陀佛接引站,黑江大庆市果成寺,净土五经一论,净土文集,净宗祖师,往生纪实。
The completion of yogi c . m . chen ' s vow to lecture forty - eight times on " the integrated teachings of the five pureland sutras . 陈上师净土五经会通四十八讲满愿记:林博士以此文纪念陈上师讲经大愿之圆成。
5 the financial and accounting reports of the company for the last three years , or since establishment , verified by the statutory verification authority 五经法定验证机构验证的公司最近三年的或者公司成立以来的财务会计报告
His book , " walking the bible : the journey by land through the five books of moses , " became a critical and commentary success shortly after it s release in hard cover 他的新书走过圣经:摩西五经之旅在推出精装本后备受好评,并取得极大成功。
As requested by disciple kai xin below i had written in calligraphy the title of the pureland lectures by guru chen book that will be reprinted in china soon 应弟子开心以下的提请,我已将即将印刷的《陈上师净土五经会通演讲笔录》之标题手书成翰墨。
This religious reform involved absorbing the confucian classics , establishing court academician of confucian classics and reestablishing sacrificial rites of the state , and so on 所谓儒学化改造,大致包括对儒家经典的吸收、置立五经博士、重建国家祀典等方面。
Provides a caring , spiritual and open environment with dharma - services , book discussion groups and outreach . inspired by shinran , we practice prayer , deep listening , mindfulness and the precepts -净土五经,公益助念,图像宝典,法物知识,助念往生知识,因果感应,往生纪实。
As the bible next describes , moses then led the israelites to mount sinai , where god gave them the ten commandments and other laws contained in the torah 正如《圣经》下一章所述,摩西把以色列人带到西奈山,神在那里向他们颁布了“十诫”和包含在《妥拉》 (摩西五经)的其他律法。