Chinese translation for "二辉橄榄岩"
- buchnerite
Related Translations:
橄榄黄: olive yellowyellow olive 橄榄体: corpora olivarecorpus olivarecoupus olivareolivary bodiesolivary bodyolivetubercula ephippii 橄榄铜矿: leucochalciteleukochalcitolivenitepharmacochalcitepharmacochalzite 橄榄辉岩: olivine pyroxenolite
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Discovery of native iron in olivine of garnet lherzolite in chijiadian and its significance 在迟家店石榴石二辉橄榄岩的橄榄石中发现自然铁及其意义 | | 2. | The xenoliths in the yangyuan , including iherzolite and harzburgite , represent the direct samples from the upper mantle beneath western north china craton 阳原幔源包体包括二辉橄榄岩和方辉橄榄岩,是华北西部上地幔的直接样品。 | | 3. | A great number of lherzolite xenoliths occurs within the volcanic clastics characterized by terrigenous central type eruption at tianyang , jiudouyang and yingfenglin of qingtongyang , of southern leizhou peninsula 摘要雷州半岛南部田洋、九斗洋及青桐洋的英峰岭等陆相中心式喷发的火山碎屑岩中,分布有大量的二辉橄榄岩包体。 | | 4. | Thermobarometric calculation shows that the iherzolites were equilibrated in a temperature ranging from 926 # - 1050 # . a similar range of equilibrium temperature ( 916 # - 1040 # ) is obtained for the harzburgites 温压计算表明二辉橄榄岩的平衡温度为926 - 1050 ,方辉橄榄岩的平衡温度为916 - 1040 ,两者并没有显著差别。 | | 5. | The mineral chemistry amd elemental variations in whole rocks can be ascribed to results of partial melting of various degrees . according to the fractional melting model , the partial melting degree for the iherzolites is less than 5 percent , and about 7 to 20 percent for harzburgites 全岩及矿物的主量元素的成分变化主要受部分熔融程度的控制,分异熔融模型获得的二辉橄榄岩的部分熔融程度5 ,方辉橄榄岩部分熔融程度在7 - 20之间。 | | 6. | Secondly , based on the microbeam analytical technique , on the one hand , through investigating the characteristic of major elements in the mantle minerals the author acquired the static information from mantle ; on the other hand , through multi - point analysis of a part of the minerals from mantle , the auther got dynamic information from mantle . finally , generalizating the fruits of this study and predecessors , the autor holds that the constituents of lithospheric mantle possibly includes spinel lherzolites , clinopyroxenites , websterite , dunite , harzburgites , garnet lherzite , phlogopite lherzite , eclogites , clinopyroxene megacrysts ; compared with east china and north china platform , the research field mantle shows the characteristics of higher degree of partial melting processes and more depleted mantle ; the . upper mantle beneath north hetian area is heterogeneous , with a tendency of deficit in a12o3 and lree from kaliyang in west hetian to the river basin of kalakshi river and yulongkashi river ; the subduction of the crust beneath north hetian has ever occurred in geological history and caused the mixing of mantle - crust ; the depth of the origination of basaltic magmas beneath north hetian exceeds 73km ; the thickness of the lithosphere beneath the research area amounts to 204 . 9km ; the mantle beneath north hetian has geological condtions for forming diamond deposits 最后,综合本区幔源矿物和地幔岩石的特征以及地球物理资料,得出如下结论:本区上地幔的物质组成有尖晶石二辉橄榄岩、二辉岩、单斜辉石岩、纯橄榄岩、方辉橄榄岩、石榴石二辉橄榄岩、金云母二辉橄榄岩、榴辉岩;与中国东部以及华北地台上地幔相比,研究区上地幔具有富集主元素中相容元素和亏损其中的不相容元素的特征,局部熔融程度较高;上地幔存在横向和纵向的不均一性,从西部的克里阳到喀拉喀什河和玉龙喀什河流域, al和lree富集程度呈下降趋势,不同来源的相同矿物中主元素的含量差异较大;地质历史时期这里可能发生过地壳俯冲并产生壳幔混合作用;玄武岩浆的起源深度73km ;从幔源重砂矿物的温压估算结果,可以推断出岩石圈厚度可达204 . 9km ;综合岩石圈物质组成特征、岩石圈热状态、地幔温压状态、氧逸度以及幔源岩石和幔源矿物的化学成分,认为研究区具备了金刚石成矿地幔地质条件。 | | 7. | Directions are obtained by two means : calculation and measure . our investigations are summed as follows : 1 the lpo relations between olivine and orthopyroxene are different from usually situations : 100ol 001opx , 010ol 100opx , 001ol 010opx ; 2 the seismic anisotropy of the ultramafic rocks in damaping is obvious . their characters are consistent with the structures of the rocks and fabrics of minerals , which means seismic anisotropy is mainly controlled by rocks fabrics ; 3 seismic velocities suggest that the composition of upper mantle in damaping region is resemble to the xenoliths , which major component is lherzolite 不同2大麻坪地区幔源包体的波速各向异性显著,岩石的波速各向异性特征与其宏观构造和微观组构一致,说明岩石组构是造成地震波速各向异性的决定因素3由地震波速推测的大麻坪地区的上地幔成分与包体出露的情况一致,即主体为二辉橄榄岩。 | | 8. | The mafic rocks have high ( 87sr / 86sr ) j ( 0 . 7046 - 0 . 7077 ) and 207pb / 204pb ( 15 . 47 - 15 . 67 ) , but relatively low in ( 143nd / 144nd ) i ( 0 . 5125 - 0 . 5127 ) and 206pb / 204pb ( 18 . 26 - 18 . 52 ) . the negative correlation between 143nd / 144nd and 206pb / 204pb and the positive relationship between 87sr / 86sr - 206pb / 204pb suggest a mixing of a depleted mantle source and an em2 component in the study area . calculation reveals that the maopin - shaianjiao mafic rocks are formed by 5 - 15 % degree of partial melting of an lree - riched spinel iherzolite 模拟计算表明,该基性岩墙群是尖晶石二辉橄榄岩地幔5 - 15部分熔融的产物;微量元素配分模式及理论模拟表明茅坪?晒鞍角基性岩体的地幔源区在熔融前曾受到1俯冲沉积物熔体的源区混染和5流体交代作用。 | | 9. | Electrical conductivities of quartz , olivine , dunite , iherzolite , pyroxenite , and megaaugite were measured by virtue of the new system ; whereas , the electrical conductivity of gabbro was measured by means of the old one . an interesting outgrowth of the present study is the measurement of the complex impedance of a series of quartz plates with different orientations 石英(人造水晶) 、橄榄石、纯橄榄岩、辉石岩、二辉橄榄岩、巨晶辉石的电导率测量是在新的测量系统下获得的,而辉长岩的电导率测量是基于lcr仪为测量仪器的测试系统下获得的。 | | 10. | On the basis of the study on the petrology , trace element , and isotopic geochemistry , the primary magma of volcanic rocks can be divided into two series according to their originated rocks and degree of partial melting . one is the basanite - alkaline basalt - olivine tholeiite magma series , which are generated by partial melting from spinel iherzolite ; the other is nephelinite magma - alkaline picritic basalt magma , which are generated by partial melting of the garnet iherzolite 岩石化学、微量元素、同位素地球化学证据都表明,华北、华南地区的火山岩根据源岩和局部熔融程度的不同,可以分为两个原生岩浆系列:一个是源岩为尖晶石二辉橄榄岩,随着局部熔融程度的增加,形成的碧玄岩岩浆-碱性玄武岩岩浆-橄榄拉斑玄武岩岩浆;另一个是源岩为石榴石二辉橄榄岩,随着局部熔融程度的增加形成的霞石岩岩浆-碱性苦橄玄武岩系列。 |
- Similar Words:
- "二辉斑岩" Chinese translation, "二辉麻粒岩" Chinese translation, "二辉石岩" Chinese translation, "二辉岩" Chinese translation, "二辉橄家" Chinese translation, "二回" Chinese translation, "二回路管系" Chinese translation, "二回路水" Chinese translation, "二回路系统" Chinese translation, "二回路致冷剂系统" Chinese translation