| 1. | 55 the congregation council is under the leadership of the council chairperson 教会执事部由执事部主席带领。 |
| 2. | 62 each fellowship is responsible to the congregation council for its financial matters 各团契的财务必须向执事部汇报。 |
| 3. | Bureaus and departments 知事部局 |
| 4. | He is on his high horse recently , becaues he was appointed manager of ministry of personnel 最近他目空一切,因为他被任命为人事部经理 |
| 5. | The nature and level of resources allocated to internal affairs appeared to be inadequate *内事部所获得的资源在性质与程度上似嫌不足。 |
| 6. | 67 the congregation council is responsible for the recruiting or dismissal of non - pastoral staff 教会执事部负责聘请或解聘各受薪职员。 |
| 7. | In accordance with the constitution , the congregation council shall consist of no more than 7 members 按照章程规定?执事部应由不超过七位执事组成。 |
| 8. | 38 receive and disburse such funds in accordance with the decisions of this congregation or this congregation council 按照本教会或执事部的决定?收入及支出款项。 |
| 9. | 59 the chair of each committee is appointed by the congregation council , and is responsible to the congregation council 各委员会主席由执事部指派,并向执事部汇报。 |
| 10. | If he / she is absent from three consecutive regular meetings without valid excuse , the council may declare the office vacant 如无正当理由而连续三次不出席执事部会议?执事部应宣布其职位空缺。 |