His behavior will make his parents turn in their grave 他的行为会令他死去的父母在九泉之下不得安宁的。
That use of english would make shakespeare turn in his grave 英语的那种用法就是九泉之下的莎士比亚也会坚持反对的。
At least 3000 to 4000 years old which makes it the world s oldest strategic board game 想必墓主生前好弈,舍不下一盘残局,带到九泉之下琢磨去了。
Your father wouldn ' t have liked you to do this . it ' s enough to make his turn over in his grave 你父亲决不会喜欢你干这件事的,这足以使他在九泉之下不能安宁。
As we walked to dinner during our last evening in yunnan , an elongated dark cloud loomed across the shangri - la valley - - an omen of the transnational environmental catastrophe or james hilton turning over in his grave ( or both ) 当我们在云南的最后一晚前去就餐时,一片细长的乌云向香格里拉峡谷上空压来? ?是跨国环境大灾难的预兆,还是詹姆斯?希尔顿在九泉之下不得安宁,抑或两者都是?