Kwan yu , the god of war , is a very brave , upright and faithful hero 武帝关云长则过五关、斩六将、英雄盖世、义薄云天,信众视为战神和义气之源。
Other leading deities include kwan tai ( god of war and the source of righteousness ) , pak tai ( supreme emperor of the dark heaven and local patron of the island of cheung chau ) and hung shing ( god of the south seas and a weather prophet ) 其他广为人知的神明有义薄云天的武圣关帝、号称玄天上帝的长洲守护神北帝,以及司掌天气的南海之神洪圣。
Built in the reign of hong zhi of the ming dynasty ( 1488 - 1505 ) , this temple honors the god of war and righteousness . in life , kwan tai was a military general renowned for his loyalty . he is believed to protect devotes from all evil 这座建于明孝宗弘治年间( 1488 - 1505 )的古庙,供奉英勇善战、义薄云天的历史人物关云长,人称关帝,关帝生前是一名将军,以忠义见称,人们均相信,关帝正义之气,可驱邪治鬼。
Built in the reign of hong zhi of the ming dynasty ( 1488 - 1505 ) , this temple honors the god of war and righteousness . in life , kwan tai was a military general renowned for his loyalty . he is believed to protect devotees from all evil 这座建于明孝宗弘治年间( 1488 - 1505 )的古庙,供奉英勇善战、义薄云天的历史人物关云长,人称关帝,关帝生前是一名将军,以忠义见称,人们均相信,关帝正义之气,可驱邪治鬼。