| 1. | They had only a few siebel ferries . 他们只有为数不多的“斯比尔”渡轮。 |
| 2. | The smart few were pure french top to toe . 为数不多的几个洒脱超群的是彻头彻尾的纯种法国人。 |
| 3. | Youngsters, in small groups, are holding up people on the street . 为数不多的几个青年,在马路上拦路抢劫行人。 |
| 4. | I gave up my small apartment, sold my few belongings, and resolved to start afresh . 我退掉了我的小住房,卖掉为数不多的的几件家俱,决定开始另外一种生活。 |
| 5. | Each time he was taken off combat status, he gave a big party for the little circle of friends he had . 每次他被解除战斗任务,他都请自己为数不多的朋友吃喝一顿。 |
| 6. | Cronshaw's slim bundle of poetry did not seem a substantial result for a life which was sordid . 克朗肖写的为数不多的几首诗似乎不能算是他的悲惨肮脏的生活的丰硕成果。 |
| 7. | At the request of the congolese government, however, the general assembly authorized the stay of a reduced number of troops for a further six months . 由于刚果政府的请求,大会批准为数不多的部队继续驻扎六个月。 |
| 8. | The vegetation was mostly grass, with some ferns and bushes but few trees: there was little protection from the weather . 植物多为青草,另外还有一些羊齿蕨,灌木丛和为数不多的树木,统统处于狂风暴雨的无情折磨之下。 |
| 9. | Each summer the vegetation at the top of the cliff drops a handful of seeds on to the beach, the way a rich man throws loose change to beggars . 每到夏天,峭壁顶端的植物会朝着下面的海滩撒下为数不多的种籽,就象一个大富翁朝乞丐扔几个零钱一样。 |
| 10. | The few street - lamps shed down squalor 大街上为数不多的路灯投下了昏暗的灯光。 |