The wife was minutes away from giving birth 原来他的妻子就要临盆了。
The snow started to fall several hours before her labor began 她临盆前的几小时下起了雪。
Just prior to his birth she dreamt that the house was filled with monks , lamas and 临盆前她梦到有许多喇嘛和出家人在她的府上诵经作法。
To understand the birth process from the mother ' s point of view , imagine you are about to give birth 为了从母亲的观点了解生产过程,请想像你就要临盆了。
Soon after , she went into labor . during her labor pains , she prayed to master for help . as expected , she easily gave birth to her baby 过后不久,临盆在即,她又在阵痛时期祈求师父帮忙,果然顺利平安地产下一子。
Higashi in turn , fully aware that his illness is terminal , promises to try to stay alive as long as possible and to help her raise the child 二人在纽约与东京,以传真渡过每一天.随著新年到来,美里即将临盆,东也从美国归来,但病情依旧
When you are looking after the hebrew women in childbirth , if it is a son you are to put him to death ; but if it is a daughter , she may go on living 你们为希伯来妇人收生、看他们临盆的时候、若是男孩、就把他杀了、若是女孩、就留他存活。
[ bbe ] when you are looking after the hebrew women in childbirth , if it is a son you are to put him to death ; but if it is a daughter , she may go on living 你们为希伯来妇人收生、看他们临盆的时候、若是男孩、就把他杀了、若是女孩、就留他存活。
Students regularly crowd around noelle as she gives " birth . " they take turns at monitoring her vital signs and at pulling the " baby " out of her body 学生们总是在诺艾尔“临盆”时将她团团围住,他们轮流监控她的身体反应并轮流将“小宝宝”从她的体内抽出来。
" a bronzed cast of baby ' s first poop can be a meaningful memento for the family , " gallery director david kesting said , adding that he hoped the work would attract bids of up to 25 or 30 , 000 dollars 今年4月,布兰妮临盆雕塑也是在capla kesting美术馆展出的。美术馆馆长大卫凯斯汀说: “宝宝首次排泄的固体大便的铜像对这个家庭而言是件意味深长的纪念品。 ”