| 1. | We accepted a princely gift , sum . 我们收到了丰厚的礼物、充裕的款项。 |
| 2. | She had a liberal, full rimmed mouth . 她的嘴巴宽阔,嘴唇丰厚。 |
| 3. | He's got a very lucrative job with the new regime now . 现在他在新政权下搞到了一个收入丰厚的工作。 |
| 4. | Experienced specialty chiefs also receive good salaries in luxury restaurants . 在豪华餐厅中,经验丰富的专门厨师的薪金也颇丰厚。 |
| 5. | The fresh, salty scent of the wild roses had given way before this more powerful perfume of midsummer . 野玫瑰的清芬,在这仲夏夜丰厚强烈的芳香面前,也不免逊色。 |
| 6. | I told her, that as she had a good fortune, she had no need to stoop to the disaster of the times ! 我对她说,她既然有丰厚的财产,就用不着屈身忍受目下的不公平待遇! |
| 7. | Because the work was so lucrative, a few doctors were tempted to take on more of it than they could properly handle . 由于这种事获利丰厚,有些医生就不顾他们的实际可能,尽量多接。 |
| 8. | Manny fineberg of clarity records heard them on the second night and signed them up to a profitable contract . 克拉里蒂唱片公司的曼民法因伯格在第二夜听了他俩的演唱以后马上同他们签了酬金丰厚的合同。 |
| 9. | He was more or less penniless except for the handsome salary he drew as private pilot to his highness prince ali yusuf . 他除了担任阿里优素福亲王殿下的私人飞机驾驶员所得的丰厚薪水,他几乎是不值一文。 |
| 10. | Manchester united footballers are all paid handsomely 曼联的球员薪水都很丰厚。 |