| 1. | The median entry - level condo in california sold for $ 360 , 160 加州处在准入级别的公寓的中间价也要卖到360160美元。 |
| 2. | The middle price is the arithmetical average of the bid price and ask price 中间价是买入价和卖出价的算术平均数。 |
| 3. | The table above shows the latest median values , growth rates and rental yields for the month of december 2006 上表显示的是最新的2006年12月房价中间价,增长率和出租量的数据。 |
| 4. | First - time homebuyers paid a median price of $ 477 , 400 in california last year ? 2 - 1 / 2 times the us median , according to the california association of realtors 根据加利福尼亚房地产经纪人协会的数据,加州第一次买房者所付的中间价格是477400美元,是全美中间价的二点五倍。 |
| 5. | Shenhua is seeking to price its shares at between hk $ 7 . 25 and hk $ 9 . 25 apiece , with analysts expecting the final price to be set at , or just below , the middle of that range 神华正寻求将其股票的发行价定在每股7 . 25港元至9 . 25港元之间,分析师预期,最终价格将被定在该区间的中间价,或略比中间价低一点。 |
| 6. | And the currency has been revalued , although by nothing like as much as america and others have been demanding : the yuan ' s initial central rate against the dollar was shifted by just 2 . 1 % , to 8 . 11 再次,货币价值重估,尽管不如美国和其他方面所要求的一样多:人民币兑美元的次日初始中间价调至8 . 11元,提高2 . 1 % 。 |
| 7. | The tuition fee of the two - year programme for the classes entering in 2006 is rmb 288 , 000 . international students can pay this amount in foreign currencies , based on the prevailing exchange rate on the day of the payment 2006级学费:人民币288 , 000元(国际学生可以等值外汇支付,汇率以付款当日中国人民银行公布相应外汇牌价中间价为准) |
| 8. | Pbc announces the closing price on real - time trading price of the usd against the rmb in the inter - bank foreign exchange market after daily market closing and use this closing price as the medium price for the next trading day 中国人民银行于每个工作日闭市后公布当日银行间外汇市场美元等交易货币对人民币汇率的收盘价,作为下一个工作日该货币对人民币交易的中间价。 |
| 9. | The daily benchmark , or the central parity rate for the us dollar , was set at 7 . 8998 yuan yesterday , the first time that the currency crossed the psychological barrier of 7 . 90 since last july s revaluation , according to the shanghai - based china foreign exchange trade system 据上海外汇交易所介绍,昨天,央行公布的参考汇率也就是人民币兑美元汇率中间价为7 . 8998 ,这是自去年7月人民币升值以来,人民币兑美元汇率首次突破7 . 9的心理关口。 |
| 10. | The daily benchmark , or the central parity rate for the us dollar , was set at 7 . 8998 yuan yesterday , the first time that the currency crossed the psychological barrier of 7 . 90 since last july ' s revaluation , according to the shanghai - based china foreign exchange trade system 据上海外汇交易所介绍,昨天,央行公布的参考汇率也就是人民币兑美元汇率中间价为7 . 8998 ,这是自去年7月人民币升值以来,人民币兑美元汇率首次突破7 . 9的心理关口。 |