| 1. | On the innovation in middle school ' s math education 浅议中学数学教学与创新教育 |
| 2. | Modern educational technology and innovative education 民族地区中学数学创新教育刍议 |
| 3. | Resources for teaching and learning mathematics in middle schools 中学数学教学的资源 |
| 4. | Apply the view of bi - subject in middle school maths teaching 教学观在中学数学教学中的应用 |
| 5. | A brief talk about situational creation in mathematical teaching 浅谈中学数学教学中情境创设 |
| 6. | Extension : a way to cultivate students ' creative ability 谈中学数学教学中求异思维能力的培养 |
| 7. | Thought on teaching practice and knowledge in maths in middle school 中学数学思维教学实践与认识 |
| 8. | Captain of the north shore mathletes 北岸中学数学奥赛队的队长 |
| 9. | Captain of the north shore mathletes 北岸中学数学奥赛队的队长 |
| 10. | Thoughts on creative thinking in middle school math teaching 关于中学数学创造性思维能力培养的思考 |