| 1. | Sending by fedex , please apply its account first 或是使用中华邮政国际快捷寄出。 |
| 2. | Postal employees : all personnel who work for chunghwa post 二邮政服务人员:指服务于中华邮政公司之人员。 |
| 3. | Chunghwa post may set at its discretion rates for mail items other than the above 前项以外邮件之资费,由中华邮政公司自行订定。 |
| 4. | Postage stamps : vouchers issued by chunghwa post that certify postage has been paid 六邮票:指中华邮政公司发行,具有交付邮资证明之票证。 |
| 5. | Article 25 in order to verify the identity of the addressee , chunghwa post may ask to see id 第25条中华邮政公司为确认收件人之真伪,得请其出示必要之证明。 |
| 6. | Article 6 in order to verify the identity of a beneficiary , chunghwa post may ask to see identification 第6条中华邮政公司为确认取款人之真伪,得请其出示必要之证明。 |
| 7. | Postal identity cards : cards issued and sold by chunghwa post to verify the identification of the holder 八邮政认知证:指中华邮政公司发售,用以证明持证本人之证件。 |
| 8. | Postal assets : movable property , real estate or other rights that chunghwa post utilizes for its operations 四邮政资产:指中华邮政公司经营业务所使用之动产、不动产及其他权利。 |
| 9. | If the mailer refuses to open a parcel for inspection , chunghwa post may refuse to accept the said mail item for delivery 前项寄件人拒绝拆验时,中华邮政公司得拒绝接受该邮件。 |