| 1. | The disabled who cannot work or live independently have the right to require other family members to support them 丧失劳动能力或无独立生活能力的残疾人,有要求负有抚养、赡养义务的家庭成员抚养或赡养的权利。 |
| 2. | Be injured at work , suffer from occupational disease to lose charge of appraisal of labor capability rate , pay by unit of choose and employ persons 因工负伤、患职业病丧失劳动能力程度鉴定费用,由用人单位支付。 |
| 3. | Because insurant suffers accident harm to lose labor ability temporarily , when cannot working , the underwriter gives fu ting industry insurance gold 被保险人因遭受意外伤害暂时丧失劳动能力,不能工作时,保险人给付停工保险金。 |
| 4. | Because working reason is caused , the 2nd kind of circumstance emphasizes breaking out what the disease dies or lose labor ability entirely , can maintain for inductrial injury 第二种情况强调由于工作原因造成突发疾病死亡或全部丧失劳动能力的,可以认定为工伤。 |
| 5. | Its 4 , shutdown gives pay . because insurant suffers accident harm to lose labor ability temporarily , when cannot working , the underwriter gives fu ting industry insurance gold 其四,停工给付。被保险人因遭受意外伤害暂时丧失劳动能力,不能工作时,保险人给付停工保险金。 |
| 6. | Workers disabled in work accidents , certified in hospital and confirmed by the labour appraisal committee as hospital and confirmed by the labor appraisal committee as being completely incapacitated (四)因工致残,由医院证明,并弪劳动鉴定委员会确认,完全丧失劳动能力的。 |
| 7. | Article 5 workers who are ineligible for retirement but are certified in hospital and confirmed by the labor appraisal committee as being completely incapacitated should resign 第五条不具备退休条件,由医院证明,并经劳动鉴定委员会确认,完全丧失劳动能力的确工人,应该退职。 |
| 8. | The reason cent that because laborer exits labor field , enjoys the condition of endowment insurance in our country laborer is emeritus , retire with quit working differ somewhat 费因工伤而完全丧失劳动能力且不符合退休年龄条件或工龄条件或其它退休条件的,应当退职,享受养老保险待遇。 |
| 9. | Superficial injury refers to a very minor injury that results in temporarily halt of the work and does not cause any incapacity to the employee 轻伤轻伤指造成职工肢体致残或某些器官功能性或器质性轻度损伤,表现为轻度或暂时性丧失劳动能力的伤害。一般指职工受伤歇工在一至一百零四天。 |
| 10. | If a person released after serving his sentence has lost his ability to do labour , and has no statutory supporters or basic source of income , the local people ' s government shall offer him relief 刑满释放人员丧失劳动能力又无法定赡养人、扶养人和基本生活来源的,由当地人民政府予以救济。 |