hold [run] with the hare and run [hunt] with the hounds; be on both sides of the fence; have a foot in both camps; try to keep the favour of both sides (in a dispute); try to please both sides
You cannot run with the hare and hunt with hounde 不能两面讨好意指
You cannot have it both ways 你不可能两面讨好。
3 . new labor , new thinking . the policies of new labor are based on the experience of former governments . blair takes all - win measures and tries to draw the attention of voters who come from all the class 布莱尔领导的新工党在劳资利益协调上以老左派的政策为基础,吸收借鉴新右派的经验,对劳资两阶级采用“双赢方针” ,两面讨好,既拉拢工商界,又不想失去传统选民的支持。