The upper house is usually the smaller branch of a bicameral legislature 上议院通常是两院制议会中较小的一个。
And whereas in most bicameral systems the upper house has fewer members than the lower , the lords outnumber the commons by 746 members to 639 在人数方面,多数两院制政体中上院往往少于下院,而英国的上院人数多达746 ,远远超过下院的639人。
These views consider that the future of functional constituencies should be examined in detail , including the possibility of implementing a bicameral system for our legislature 这些意见表示应详细研究功能团体的未来路向,包括实行立法会两院制的可能性。
The state s domestic and foreign policies are conducted by the government - the council of ministers , whose work is led by the president of the council of ministers ( the prime minister ) 根据1997年的宪法波兰最高立法机构是两院制的议会(在图上议会大厦) 。 460名众议员和100名参议员的任期均为4年。
The present two - chamber system began in the 14th century in england : the house of lords the upper house and the house of commons the lower house sit separately and are constituted on entirely different principles 在14世纪,英格兰开始实行现在的两院制:贵族院(上院)和平民院(下院) 。两院依据完全不同的原则组成。
The suggestion of setting up a bicameral system in the legislature referred to in the fifth report of the constitutional development task force reflects opinions which we received during the consultation period of the fourth report 政制发展专责小组第五号报告书当中提及关于立法会两院制这议题,是反映我们在第四号报告的谘询期间收到的意见之一。