In the east, they have a dry continental climate with severe winters . 他们东边是干燥的大陆性气候,冬季严寒。
The sky has assumed a rosy wash in the east where a house is burning . 东边有一所房子在燃烧,天空里染上了一抹玫瑰红。
A mighty army, led by the great king of persia, had come from the east . 波斯大王率领的一支强大军队,从东边开了过来。
Day was by this time approaching, the west was dim, the east beginning to gleam . 到了这时,白昼逐渐到来了,西面一片朦胧,东边开始熠熠发光。
Faber decided he had learned all he could from this place. he walked to the east edge of the camp . 费伯认为这里的情况已摸清,于是向营地的东边走去。
The moon had already come forward with her long face toward the east and a fleece of clouds behind . 月亮已经升起,露出一张长脸对着东边,背后浮着一抹淡云。
Then the east side pizzeria may try to lure customers away from the west by offering a wide range of pizza sizes . 那么东边的制饼铺就会想方设法地生产出各种尺寸的馅饼、把顾客从西边制饼铺那里吸引过来。
Niagara falls, one of the two largest waterfalls in the world, lies between the smaller eastern lakes, l.erie and l.ontario . 尼亚加拉大瀑布是世界上两个最大的瀑布之一,位于东边两个较小的湖,即伊利湖与安大略湖之间。
The traffic became denser and their boat more crowded, with artisans, clerks, noisy girls, going eastwards to rotherhithe and deptford . 人流越来越密,他们乘的船上更拥挤了,有工匠,职员和叽叽喳喳说话的姑娘们,他们去东边的罗瑟希特和德特福。