[ shì ] 名词 1.(人的一辈子) lifetime; life 短语和例子 聪明一世, 糊涂一时 clever all one's life but stupid this once; smart as a rule, but this time a fool; 今生今世 this present life; 一生一世 one's whole life; all one's life2.(一代又一代) generation 短语和例子 世谊 friendship spanning many generations; 四世同堂。 four generations live under one roof.3.(时代) age; era 短语和例子 当今之世 at present; nowadays; 近世 modern times; 盛世 flourishing age; heyday4.(世界) world 短语和例子 公诸于世 make known to the world; 举世闻名 well known all over the world; world-famous5.[地质学] (地质年代的分期) epoch 短语和例子 古新世 the palaeocene epoch6.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 世硕 shi shuo
Example Sentences:
That's what life is all about-timing . 人生一世,一切在于掌握时机。
The exaction was revived by richard i . 这种苛捐杂税被查理一世加以恢复。
So the fifth day of creation ended . 创世的第五天就这样结束了。
Guilin is known throughout the world for its scenery . 桂林以山水著称于世。
There he died, two years after . 两年以后,他在那里溘然长世。
"i'll live on antelope till the end of my days. " “我愿意吃一世的羚羊肉。”
Nobody can afford to be half-hearted nowadays . 当今之世谁也不应当不冷不热的。
Inwardly yuan shikai was not much changed . 袁世凯的内心并没有发生很大的变化。