| 1. | This paper tries to provide some answer to those questions 本文试着去探索与回答这些问题。 |
| 2. | To answer the second question , don ' t take as much time as you took for the first question 回答第2题,你不能使用与回答第1题相同的时间。 |
| 3. | To answer the second question , don & apost take as much time as you tookfor the first question 回答第2题,你不能使用与回答第1题相同的时间。 |
| 4. | The exchange of views between the teachers and students in the class is not asking questions and answering only 课堂中的师生交流已不仅仅局限于提问与回答这两种交流方式。 |
| 5. | Classroom interaction refers to the oral interaction that occurs between teachers and students and among students 课堂互动是指教师与学生、学生与学生之间的互动,如课堂讨论、提问问题与回答问题、课堂辩论等。 |
| 6. | Curriculum . it is pressing to build a concrete and operable criteria of learning evaluation regarding the reform of school re . : methodology the methodology of documentation , questionnaire , and logical analysis are used in this dissertation 如何根据新一轮的基础教育课程改革的基本理念与目标,构建基础教育体育与健康课程学习评价标准,并使之具体化,且具有可操作性,是学校体育理论与实践中必须认真探索与回答的一个紧迫问题。 |
| 7. | In the fourth part , through the general study to the law ' s ideology of society - centricism on the condition of sustainable development and economic globalization , the thesis probes into its " tendency at the same time of further verifying the law ' s ideology of society - centricism , individual right - centricism and national right - centricism , it includes : the establishment and answer of the problem and the necessity and feasibility of harmonizing the law ' s ideology of society - centricism and the law ' s other ideologies 第四部分,通过对可持续发展与经济全球化背景下法的社会本位的一般性考察,在进一步验证法的社会本位理念的同时,探寻了这一理念的发展趋向。第五部分,对法的社会本位与个体权利本位、国家权力本位的协调问题进行了重点的法理分析。其内容主要包括:问题的预设与回答;法的社会本位与相关本位理念协调的必要性;法的社会本位与相关本位理念协调的可行性。 |
| 8. | A recent addition to the debate has been cosmic radiation , particularly with the vast increase in air travel in recent years . the following question and answer briefing is intended to be factual rather than speculative and may be useful to anyone with an interest in knowing more about radiation in general and cosmic radiation in particular 为令大家对这方面有更清晰的概念,我们特别列出以下有关辐射和宇宙辐射的问题与回答,希望尽量以事实为根据,避免存有无谓的臆测,并为有兴趣的人士提供有用的资料。 |