[ bùyú ] [书面语] 1.(意料不到) unexpected 短语和例子 不虞之誉 unexpected praise2.(出乎意料的事) eventuality; contingency 短语和例子 不虞之备 have a second string to one's bow; 以备不虞 provide against any contingency3.(不忧虑) not worry about 短语和例子 不虞匮乏 freedom from want; fear no shortage of material resources; not worry about running out of supplies; 不虞是非 not worry about right or wrong
Related Translations:
不虞匮乏: freedom from wantfear no shortage of material resourcesnot worry about running out of supplies
以备不虞: be prepared for unforeseen danger; be prepared for any contingency; in order to guard against contingencies; prepare against the time of need; so as to provide against emergencies
Her finely touched spirit had still its fine issues, though they were not widely visible . 她那高尚纯洁的精神不虞后继无人,只是不一定到处都能见到罢了。
He bought the painting in good faith , eg not realizing that it had been stolen 他买这幅画时不虞内有跷蹊(如未想到是贼赃) 。
" hewlett - packard division chief uses strategic outsourcing to stay lean , focused , and competent . " the management round table 惠普部门主管使用战略性的外包来保持精实,专业及不虞匮乏管理圆桌杂志社出版。
Hopefully , in coming years human beings will continue to receive god s blessings and live lives of satisfaction in body , mind and spirit 掀开黄金二年的新页,期望人人都能蒙受上帝的加持,过著不虞匮乏身心灵丰足的生活。
Having confirmed that his wallet was missing , the victim then called the number and disclosed the pins of his bank cards over the phone 受害人不虞有诈,确定自己银包被盗后,致电该电话号码,并在电话中透露了银行卡的个人密码。
That uniquely identifies that individual in relation to the data user , but does not include an individual s name used to identify that individual 就该资料使用者而言,能识辨该名个人的身分而不虞混淆,的标识符,但用以识辨该名个人的该人的姓名,则不包括在内。
Throughout my life before initiation , i was always grateful for gods blessings : a loving family , good friends , a house , a job , enough money to meet lifes needs , and most of all , an enduring belief in god 印心前,我已拥有人生美好的一切:美满的家庭友善的朋友房子工作不虞匮乏的经济状况,尤其是自幼信仰的上帝,感谢?赐予给我这一切。
Responding to this e - mail , the victim was contacted by phone and as a result , remitted on several occasions totalling hk $ 20 , 000 to the fraudster , alleged to be handling fees to facilitate the transfer of the inheritance to the victim 受害人不虞有诈,作出回覆,随后收到骗徒的电话,按要求多次汇款共港币二万元给对方,作为有关的手续费。
The abundant rainfall before and after the distribution operation spurred the germination of the seeds , not only watering the fields but also filling up wells and underground water storage tanks that could sustain the villages for three years 在这段时间前后,雨水绵延不断,种子因而能够顺利发芽成长。丰沛的雨水不仅灌溉了田地,也装满水井与地下储水槽,让这些村落三年内的用水不虞匮乏。
The franchisee can hire and train special personnel for beauty - care marketing , through the shop in shop model , allowing these special personnel initiate their reserve business start - up within the franchise store ; thus the human resource is unlimitedly available , without any personnel cost of hiring cosmetologists 加盟者可徵训美容行销专员,以店中店经营模式,于店内创业储备开店,人员不虞匮乏,且无聘请美容师的人事费用负担。