She took me up suddenly when i suggested that the job was only suitable for a man 我提出那工作只适合男人做,她突然不容分说地把我打断了。
The desire to do it was strong , but stronger still was the imperative command of his nature not to do it 这个愿望很强,但更强的是他那不容分说地否定那愿望的天性。
She quivered again at the potent inexorable entry inside her , so strange and terrible . it might come with the thrust of a sword in her softly - opened body , and that would be death . she clung in a sudden anguish of terror 那种强猛的,不容分说地向她的进入,是这样的奇异这样的可怕,使她重新颤战起来,也许他的来势要象利刃似的,一刀刺进她温柔地开展着的肉里,那时她便要死了。