A comparative study of the management in perspective of corporation law 公司法视野下家族式治理与现代公司治理之比较
At the beginning , i wanted to do a film about families divided by war in nicaragua 开始的时候,我本来想拍尼加拉瓜战乱下家庭离散的故事。
Until we find clubs for tare and inzaghi we wont make any forward signings ( according to lotito ) 主席说,在给塔雷和小因扎吉找到下家以前,我们不会签任何前锋。
But if there are no buyers , banks may have to sell something else toshore up their balance sheets 如果根本找不到下家接手,银行还得卖掉别的资产粉饰资产负债表。
" the inter leadership must decide my future , " he said . " i know that president moratti wants to find me a new club "国米必须要决定我未来, "他说, "我知道莫拉蒂正在给我找下家.
Nobody includes / understands that it has been punished to announce his destiny in dates in which already was authorized to negotiate 没有人能理解为什么在合法的商谈时间宣布自己的下家会受到惩罚。
On christmas day , dec 25 , a brunch with family is the norm , followed by some light sporting events , such as a country walk , to digest the heavy food 在12月25日圣诞节的早晨,一般情况下家人会一起吃顿早中餐,然后做一些轻微的运动来消化食物,比如散步。
Qq doudezhu auxiliary mind game licensing tool , which can automatically record on home and family under a licence , in addition to its own auto show , not out of the licence Qq斗地主游戏的辅助记牌器工具,它可以自动记录上家与下家出的牌,自动显示除自己外的还没出的牌。
It was a fine weekend in july 1991 . my wife and i arrived at our new home , unloaded our family belongings , had our dinner , and prepared to visit hsihu the next morning for group meditation and to see master 在1991年7月一个风和日丽的周末,我和师姊随著满车家当来到中部,卸下家俱用了晚餐后,准备隔天一早去西湖参加大共修并看师父。