run clandestine errands up and down the line; run around on sinister errands
Example Sentences:
Up and running , we re knackered 上窜下跳,我们筋疲力尽了
Up and running , we ` re knackered 上窜下跳,我们筋疲力尽了
So we decided to have a visit there . but i had never been there before . we intended to enter from the west gate but we could not find it 我急了,拿出小时候的本领,用石头打小五弟,我还是百发百中,打的他上窜下跳的。
Clerk maria saenz and student worker susana guillen , avid fans of the real beckham , " were just jumping up and down " after the first call 职员玛丽亚?萨耶恩兹和学工苏珊娜?吉伦都是小贝的“粉丝” 。两个人接到冒牌贝克汉姆的第一个电话后“高兴得上窜下跳” 。
And i do feel bad about all the 5 a . m . in - your - face wake - up calls on my birthdays , christmas morning , and all those times i was too excited to sleep 生日或者圣诞节的清晨,我太兴奋睡不著,天刚蒙蒙亮,就急匆匆跑到您房间,上窜下跳,搅得人不得安宁等等。
Harry looked around ; all three of the dursleys were cowering with their arms over their heads as their glasses bounced up and down on their skulls , their contents flying everywhere 哈利转头一看,只见德思礼一家三口都用手遮住头,拼命躲闪着上窜下跳敲着他们脑壳的杯子,杯里的酒溅得到处都是。
When he had travelled a few minutes it would begin a remorseless thump , thump , thump , and then leap up and away in a painful flutter of beats that choked him and made him go faint and dizzy 每走几分钟,它就会怦、怦、怦地狂跳不止,然后还要演变成一阵持续的、痛苦的上窜下跳的撞击,几乎让他窒息了,令他感到虚弱而眩晕。
It does not matter if you are heavily outnumbered in a fight involving martial arts : your enemies will wait patiently to attack you one by one by dancing around in a threatening manner until you have knocked out [ 1 ] their predecessors 如果打斗双方要使出武功,那你就不用担心自己寡不敌众了:你的敌人们会耐心地等着一个一个上来攻击你,上场前他们会摆出杀气腾腾的架势在周围上窜下跳,直到你打败了他们先出场的同伙。