Auspicious electrical engineering co . , ltd 上海上江电器制造有限公司
Written in chinese , was published by the association for the advancement of feminism in 2003 in hong kong . works of ms lo and other literature about 探寻中国湖南省江永县上江墟乡女书,妇女协进会出版,二零零三年。
Believed to be created by women , was a secret script used exclusively among women in shangjiangxu township , jiangyong county , hunan province , china 那稀奇秘密的文字,指的是在湖南省江永县上江墟乡据称由女性创造的书写文字,只在女性间唱诵流传,称为女书。
200 kilometers waterway is filled up with innumerable dangerous shoals with turbulent surges encircling , raging , hitting reef , sparkling every - where and rumbling like thunder 200公里航道上遍布着无数险滩。险滩上江流汹涌,回旋激荡,水击礁石,浪花飞溅,声如雷鸣。