Two men froze to death / were frozen to death on the mountain 有两个人在山上冻死了
From the 28th of october , when the frosts began , the flight of the french assumed a more tragic aspect , from the men being frozen or roasted to death by the camp - fires , while the emperor , and kings , and dukes , still drove on with their stolen booty in fur cloaks and closed carriages 自十月二十八以后,大地开始上冻。法国军队溃逃的境遇更加悲惨:有的被冻死,有的在火堆旁烤死。而皇帝总督和公爵们身穿皮衣,驾着马车,携带抢来的财物,继续往前赶路但是法国军队自从莫斯科撤退后就一直溃不成军。