| 1. | The city is surrounded by mountains on three sides , leaving one side facing dianchi lake 昆明,三面环山,一面濒水,三山一水,极尽湖光册色之胜。 |
| 2. | It is surrounded by mountains on three sides , so the wind is weak , sometimes almost quiet 冬季平均气温零下10 . 2 。三面环山,风力弱,有时近似静风。 |
| 3. | The center of the city is 43 . 71 meters above the sea level . main rivers include the yongding river , the chaobai river and the north canal 西北东三面环山,山地约占全市面积的三分之二主要河流有永定河潮白河北运河等。 |
| 4. | It is a normative cemetery who incept the bury operation for national citizen and overseas brethren . lingping cemetery was founded at the beginning of 1986 year 墓区三面环山,灵势蔚然,环境清幽雅致,气氛祥和宁静,是故人安息长眠的理想之地。 |
| 5. | It is in surrounded with mountain on three sides , is close to the shen pond in the south , and belongs to the low latitude plateau mountainous country monsoon climate 昆明位于云南省中部,云贵高原之上。其三面环山,南濒滇池,属于低纬度高原山地季风气候。 |
| 6. | The cemetery is ringed by mountain on three sides . there is pleasant nimbus , elegant surroundings and quiet tone , so that it is an ideal place to rest forever for the persons in heaven 整个墓区三面环山,依山傍水,灵势蔚然,环境清幽雅致,气氛详和宁静,是故人安息长眠的理想之地。 |
| 7. | The bronze statue of the beijing gulf , with a scale of 1 : 60 , 000 , depicts the geographic feature of the small gulf - shaped plain of beijing surrounded by mountain ranges from its three sides 《北京湾》青铜雕塑,作品以1 : 60000的比例真实再现北京小平原三面环山,形如海湾的地理环境特征。 |
| 8. | West lake surrounded on three sides by rolling wooded hills , the west lake lies on west edge of hangzhou and is one of the most beautiful sights in china 西湖位于杭州市西部,三面环山,湖区面积5 . 6平方公里,周长约15公里。整个湖区由苏堤和白堤分割为5个大小不等的水域,是中国著名的风景名胜区。 |
| 9. | Xianju east ao in three gates gulf yangmei first cooperatives in eastern zhejiang recent peak under the zhendong ao in three gates gulf village , the village is surrounded by mountains 仙居东岙杨梅合作社位于浙东第一高峰最近的下各镇东岙村,村庄三面环山其地青山叠翠,清泉淙淙,云遮雾漫,鸟鸣林幽,仙气隐然。 |