三焦辨证: differentiation of syndrome according to the pathological changes of trijiaosyndrome differentiation of triple energizer
Example Sentences:
The example of treating pectoral stuffiness pain 对三焦与包络纳干问题的探讨
Tri - jiao and xiao ke diabetes 从三焦论消渴
Brief discussion on treatment of spleen and stomach diseases based on triple energizer syndrom differentiation 脾胃病治疗当分三焦辨证浅谈
Thinking and methods of treatment of sjogren ' s syndrome based on syndrome differentiation of triple energizer 从三焦辨证治疗干燥综合征的思路与方法
The application of differentiation of syndrome according to the pathgenesis of sanjiao in the treatment of pulmonary disease 三焦辨证在肺系疾病中的运用
Survey of current application of differentiating syndromes in sseasonal febrile diseases according to five : wel , ql , ying , xue , triple burner systems 卫气营血辨证与三焦辨证的应用现状调查
The sanjiao is divided into the upper , middle and lower portions to enable them to have their individual qi transforming function for digestion , absorption , distribution and excretion of water and grain 三焦分为上、中、下焦三个不同部位,使饮食水谷被消化吸收与输布排泄,发生其不同的气化作用。
The sanjiao ( triple energizer ) is divided into the upper , middle and lower portions to enable them to have their individual qi transforming function for digestion , absorption , distribution and excretion of water and grain 三焦分为上、中、下焦三个不同部位,使饮食水谷的消化吸收与输布排泄,发生其不同的气化作用。
In chinese medicine theory , the pathogenesis of bph is associated with qi transformation of the triple burner , impaired diffusion and downbearing of the lung , unable to govern regulation of the waterways , the splenic transformation failure and unable to upbear the clear and downbear the turbid , damp - heat pouring down into the bladder , kidney vacuity and yang debilitation , qi transformation disturbance of lower burner , so the bph is caused by the disturbance of qi transformation in the lung , spleen and kidney triple burner 前列腺增生病的发病机理,中医学认为与三焦气化功能有关。肺失肃降,不能通调水道下输膀胱:脾失健运不能升清降浊,湿热下注膀胱肾阳虚衰,下焦气化失司,致开阂不利。故前列腺增生病是肺脾肾三脏三焦气化失调所致。
The relation between tri - jiao and the monarch was discussed through the pathogenesis of non - digestion in middle - jiao , the difficult of the moement in upper - jiao and the difficult of the circulation in lower - jiao , the meaning of tri - jiao in the feer because of the deficiency of qi was obsered through physiologic , pathology and treatment 从“中焦不化,上焦不行,下焦不通,郁而发热”的病机入手,探讨三焦与君相之火的关系以及从生理、病理、临床治疗方面看三焦在“气虚发热”中的意义。