| 1. | "i fooled my family", she said . “我把我家里人耍戏了一通,”她说。 |
| 2. | When the play was over, he had another drink . 戏散场了他又去喝了一通。 |
| 3. | The boss really gave me hell today . 老板今天着实数落了我一通。 |
| 4. | Everybody went into a terrible stew about it . 每个人都为它着了一通大急。 |
| 5. | I delivered a regular lecture . 我发表了一通郑重其事的演说。 |
| 6. | "how did she take it?" "she gave me hell. " “她什么态度?”“她和我大吵了一通。” |
| 7. | I simply blew up at him . 我索性对他大发了一通脾气。 |
| 8. | Rex made a rabid speech in the house of commons . 雷克斯在下院发表了一通狂热的演说。 |
| 9. | The gangsters ran into the bar and started shooting it up . 歹徒们冲进酒吧胡乱扫射一通。 |
| 10. | He was bawled out by all the others for being foolish . 他因自己的愚蠢而被别人臭骂一通。 |