| 1. | In general neither of these situations is realized . 一般地说,这两种情况都不会出现。 |
| 2. | Language learning usually necessitates conscious mimicry . 一般地说,学习语言就要进行有意识的摹仿。 |
| 3. | In general, only the first two are systematically considered . 一般地说,人们只系统地考虑了前两个方面。 |
| 4. | As a rule the war was waged between very realistic interests . 一般地说,这些战争原是各种很实在的利益间的斗争。 |
| 5. | Normally the shear velocity is about half of the compressional velocity . 一般地说横波速度大约是纵波速度的一半。 |
| 6. | The line spacing will generally be greater in searching for oil than in mining exploration . 测线间距,一般地说在寻找石油时要比矿物勘探中大。 |
| 7. | The geological survey finds, typically, a slow change of formation and of structure as it progresses . 一般地说,地面地质调查是一面前进,一面寻找地层和构造的缓慢变化。 |
| 8. | In general, the sandstone body have been deposited by a river, possibly a distributary flowing on a coastal plain . 一般地说,砂岩体似为河流沉积,可能是海岸平原上的分流。 |
| 9. | If a sentential form is ambiguous, then it has more than one syntax tree and therefore, in general, more than one handle . 如果句型是二义性的,那末,它不只有一棵语法树,因此,一般地说,也不只有一个句柄。 |
| 10. | Generally, one approximates a blackbody in the laboratory by a hollow insulated enclosure which contains a small hole in the wall . 一般地说,人们在实验室中用壁上带有一个小孔的空心绝缘壳来近似模拟一个黑体。 |