邮局就在那一溜儿: the post office is somewhere around there
Example Sentences:
The post office is somewhere around there . 邮局就在那一溜儿。
Crates lined up on the quayside at jaffa , chap ticking them off in a book , navvies handling them in soiled dungarees 雅法的码头上摆了一溜儿柳条篓,一个小伙子正往本子上登记。身穿肮脏的粗布工作服打赤脚的壮工们在搬运它们。
The carriage , passing the open drains and mounds of rippedup roadway before the tenement houses , lurched round the corner and , swerving back to the tramtrack , rolled on noisily with chattering wheels 马车正沿着一排公寓房子驰去,房前的路面上挖出一条条明沟,沟旁是一溜儿土堆。在拐角处车身蓦地歪了歪,又折回到电车轨道上了,车轮喧闹地咯噔咯噔向前滚动。
Side by side bloom , profiting by the contretemps , with stephen passed through the gap of the chains , divided by the upright , and , stepping over a strand of mire , went across towards gardiner street lower , stephen singing more boldly , but not loudly , the end of the ballad 幸而发生了这一事故313 ,布卢姆和斯蒂芬才肩并肩地从那被直柱隔开来的栏链的空隙爬过去,迈过一溜儿泥泞,朝着下加德纳街横跨过去。斯蒂芬虽然没有放开嗓门,却用更加激越的声调唱完了那首歌谣: